Cyanuric Acid
Cyanuric Acid (CYA) serves as a stabilizer for chlorine, protecting it from rapid UV degradation in outdoor pools. However, excessive CYA can lead to diminished chlorine effectiveness.
- CYA shields chlorine from the sun's UV rays, helping to prolong its sanitizing power in outdoor pools.
- High CYA levels can reduce the effectiveness of chlorine, a situation known as 'chlorine lock', resulting in unsanitary conditions despite adequate chlorine presence.
- Regular testing and careful adjustment of CYA levels are vital to maintaining a healthy, clean pool.
- If CYA levels are too high, water dilution through partial or full water replacement is the only effective remedy.
- For most pools, CYA should be maintained between 30-50 ppm. For saltwater pools, this can be increased to 70-80 ppm.

Cyanuric acid
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Cyanuric acid
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Cyanuric acid
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